Fall is Here, Moncure
Autumn, Allington or Patience
Now It’s Fall, Lenski
Now That Days Are Colder, Fisher
All for Fall, Kessler
Ska-Tat, Knutson
Apples and Pumpkins
The Seasons of Arnold’s Apple Tree
The North Wind
The Apple Tree, Dodd
How Do You Know It’s Fall, 508 Fow
Apple, 641.3 Dav
Max Plays in the Snow, Lapham
I Like Winter, Lenski
Winter is Here, Moncure
Boot Weather, Vigna
Fun in the Snow, Daman
Winter, Allington, Hirshi, or Patience
Snow, McKie
Snow Joe, Greene
Ice is...Whee!, Greene
The Snowy Day, Keats
The First Snowfall, Rockwell
A Winter Day, Florian
The Big Snow, Hader
Come to the Meadow, Hines
Wake Up Small Bear, Holl
Umbrella Parade, Feczka
Mud, Lewison
Mud, Ray
A Rainbow of My Own, Freeman
The Bunny Who Knew All About Plants, Moncure
Rain, Rain, Rivers, Shulevitz
On My Way to Grandpa’s, Schweninger
My Spring Robin, Rockwell
The Rain Puddle
The Piggy in the Puddle
Mud Puddle, Munsch
Clifford’s Halloween, Bridwell
Joey the Jack O’ Lantern, Craig
Halloween Party, Feczka
Halloween, Nerlove
Everyone Goes as a Pumpkin, Vigna
Pumpkin Moonshine, Tudor
A Halloween Mask for Monster, Mueller
Pumpkin, Pumpkin, Titherington
Who Goes Out on Halloween?, Alexandar
Word Bird’s Halloween Words, Moncure
One Dark Night, Preston
I Can Make Costumes, Wallace 646.4
Make Your Own Costumes and Disguises, Conaway 646.4
The Little Witch’s Black Magic Book of Disguises, Glovach
Easy to Make Costumes, Gates 391
Martin’s Hats, Blos
Word Bird’s Hats, Moncure
Knock!Knock! Who’s There?, Grindley
Let’s Pretend, Greydanus
Pretend You’re a Cat, Marzollo
Michael?, Hallinan
Bah Humbug, Balian
Hurry Up Christmas, Graves
Max’s Christmas, Wells
Marmalade’s Christmas Present, Wheeler
Merry Christmas, Dear Dragon, Hillert
Little Christmas Elf, Curran
Santa’s New Sled, Peters
Word Bird’s Christmas Words, Moncure
Claude the Dog, Gackebach
In the Toy Store,
Kipper’s Toybox,
Are You There, Bear?,
My Monkey?,
Body Parts/Clothes
Here Are My Hands, Martin
Dancing Feet, AGell
My Hands, My Feet, etc., Aliki
Arthur’s Nose, Brown
Faces, Brenner
Feet, Parnall
Me and My Body
My Hands Can, Holzenthaler
Tail, Toes, Eyes, Ears, Nose, Burton
Whose Nose Is This?, VanGelder
What Are Faces For? Winder Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb, Perkins
On the Town, Maestro
Silly Willy, Cocca-Leffler
I Can Dress Myself, Watnabe
Max’s Dragon Shirt, Wells
The Best Dressed Bear, Blocksma
Shoes, Winthrop
Farm, Pienkowski
The Big Sneeze, Brown
Old MacDonald’s Farm, Murdock
Hurray for Patsy’s Oink, Wiseman
Is Anyone Home?, Maris
Guess What?, Bester
Who Took the Farmer’s Hat?, Nodset
Rosie’s Walk, Hutchins
Buzz Said the Bee, Lewison
Ask Mr. Bear
Goat’s Trail, Wildsmith
Wake Up, Wake Up Oh, What a Noisy Farm
When the Rooster Crowed
Fiddle-i-Fee, Galdone 398 or Sweet 398.8
Toot, Toot, Wildsmith 513
Farm Counting, Miller 513
On the Farm Arts and Crafts, 372.5
Where is My Baby?
Oh Dear!
LouellaMae, She’s Run Away!
Hattie and the Fox
Spots, Feathers, and Curly Tails
Big Ones, Little Ones, Hoban
Pinky is a Baby Mouse, Ryan
The Trek, Jonas
Watch Where You Go, Noll
Crocodile Beat, Jorgensen
Stand Back Said the Elephant, Thomas
The Monkey and the Crocodile, Galdone 398.2
The Turtle and the Monkey, " "
Elephant in the Jungle, Cartlidge
Who is the Beast?, Baker
in the Sand, Cole
Sleepy Bear, Dabcovich
Cully, Cully and the Bear, Gage
Blueberries for Sal, McClosky
Where is the Bear, Nims
Hiro’s Pillow, Ishinabe
The Biggest Bear, Ward
Deep in the Forest, Turkle
Spence and the Mean Old Bear, Chevalier
The Bear’s Bicycle, McPhail
Beas 4 Bears, Weston
Bears, Bears Everywhere, Milos
We’re Going on a Bear Hunt, Oxenbury
It’s the Bear!, Alborough
Every Autumn Comes the Bear, Arnosky
Time to Sleep, Fleming
Wake Up Bear,
Bears 599.74
Amazing Bears, Greenway 599.74
Your Pet Bear,
Do Bears Sleep?, Bird 599.74
Dinosaur Days, Milton
Dinosaur Time, Parish
Little Dinosaur, Reese
If the Dinosaurs Came Back, Most
Danny and the Dinosaur, Hoff
The Dinosaur Counting Book, Kingdon
The Egg, Logan
If a Dinosaur Came to Dinner, Moncure
Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs, Barton
Dinosaur Chase, Otto
Roar, Stickland
The Fish Book, Martin
Bill and the Fish, Seymour
Tammy and the Gigantic Fish, Gray
Ocean Fish School, Seymour
A Patchwork Fish Tale, Moskowitz
Blue Sea,
Splish, Splash,
What’s Under the Ocean, 574.93 Cra
Fishy Facts, 597 Che
Fish Faces, 597 Wu
is a Fish?, 597 Eas
I Can Ride It, Watnabe
Little Plane, Little Boat, etc., Gray
Freight Train, Crews
Boats, Cars, etc., Rockwell
Mr. Gumpy’s Motor Car, Burningham
Who Sank the Boat?, Allen
City Sounds, Brown
Wheel Away, Dodds
Mr. Gumpy’s Outing, Burningham
Hey!Get Off Our Train!, Burningham
Red Light, Green Light, Brown
Round Trip, Jonas
Traffic, Maestro
Flying, Gibbons
Stop! Go! Word Bird, Moncure
Night Ride,
Big Red Bus, Hindley
The Apple Book, Martin
Growing Vegetable Soup, Ehlert
Blue Bug’s Vegetable Garden, Poulet
From Seed to Pear, Mitgutsh
The Fruit Book, Overbeck
Mr. Rabbit and the Lovely Present, Sendak
The Turnip,
The Carrot Seed,
Book of Fruit,
A House of Leaves, Soya
Blue Bug and the Bullies, Poulet
If at First You Do Not See, Brown
The Very Busy Spider, Carle
Itsy Bitsy Spider, Trapani
In the Tall, Tall Grass, Fleming
Look...a Butterfly, 595.78 Cut
Outside My Window, 595 Rap
We Like Bugs, 595.7 Con
is an Insect?,